The Filipino Food Blogging Event

Lasang Pinoy 23: Crockpot Cooking

By Lorraine On Sunday, January 13, 2008 At 8:49 PM

Crockpot Cooking Lasang Pinoy

It's the tool for lazy cooks everywhere, an electric pot that cooks at low temperatures- meaning that you literally "set it, and forget it"! The crockpot, or slow-cooker, is designed to cook food over a period of 8 to 12 hours, so you can turn it on before leaving for work, and come home to a house smelling of pot-roast....mmmm.

It was my husband who introduced me to the crockpot. He uses it for everything from adobo to oatmeal (saw it on Alton Brown) to chocolate fondue. Yes, I know I'm a lucky girl. Anyway, we have two now- and they're definitely two of the most used appliances in our kitchen.

This January, the theme for Lasang Pinoy is Crockpot Cooking, and I'm pleased and excited to announce that I'll be hosting it on my food blog, Super Sarap.

I do hope you'll join in- and even if you don't have a crockpot or slow-cooker of your own, just use a regular pot to cook something over very looooow heat!

Please submit your entries by January 31, 2008 at midnight (Manila time). Email me your links, posts and images at lorraine AT

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    Lasang Pinoy, which could mean ‘tastes of something Filipino’ or short for ‘the Filipino taste’ is a monthly food blogging event to promote Filipino food. It is a product of email brainstorming sessions of several Filipino food bloggers who thought it was time for a Filipino event in the tradition of Is My Blog Burning. The blogger organisers of Lasang Pinoy and participants strive to make the events reflective of Filipino culture.

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