The Filipino Food Blogging Event

Lasang Pinoy 10: Food Memories from Your Childhood

By Stef On Sunday, May 14, 2006 At 11:43 AM

Lasang Pinoy 10 Official Announcement

Chef Sam de Leoz is hosting Lasang Pinoy 10th Edition! It's always fun to reminisce about our childhood memories, especially the food-related ones! Your job now is to blog about *your* food memories from your childhood.

When you've got your entry ready, leave a comment here or at Chef Sam's blog, or send an email to with your:

Blog Name & URL
Blog post Permalink

on or before the 31st of May. Chef Sam will be doing a round-up a few days later. If you do not have a blog but want to participate, e-mail or comment and one of us will be happy to host your entry.

All Filipino food bloggers are highly-encouraged to join this event, be they in the country or abroad. Non-food bloggers of Filipino ancestry are also invited; no matter how many generations they have been out of the country or who have never been to the Philippines but still identify themselves as Filipino (or part Filipino, married or related to Filipinos). Entries from other Filipino food and culture enthusiasts are very much welcome. Non-bloggers may also join as long as their entries are hosted in any blog.

Put on your thinking caps, or should I say get into your time travel machine?

Update: The round-up for Lasang Pinoy 10 is now online.

for this post

Blogger G Says:

That was super fun. I wish I had more photos.

Gabriella True

Blog Name & URL:
My Life As A Reluctant Housewife
My Life As A Reluctant Housewife

Seal Beach, California

Blog post Permalink:

Food Memories

Blogger Jen Says:

Hmm I don't think I have any happy food memories...unless you consider finally getting released from the table after sitting there for hours refusing to eat macaroni and cheese to be a happy

Blogger admin Says:

Oh my...LP10 na. I've missed a lot! Hopefully I could participate in the next one!

Blogger COCINERO Says:

It was trully an honor to host food memeories from childhood. I most certainly had fun. CIAO!


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    Lasang Pinoy, which could mean ‘tastes of something Filipino’ or short for ‘the Filipino taste’ is a monthly food blogging event to promote Filipino food. It is a product of email brainstorming sessions of several Filipino food bloggers who thought it was time for a Filipino event in the tradition of Is My Blog Burning. The blogger organisers of Lasang Pinoy and participants strive to make the events reflective of Filipino culture.

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